The Gift of Wisdom

September 3, 2023
Wisdom is the greatest gift from God aside from His own son, Jesus. Yet it's not something we seek or ask for despite our desperate need for it. Wisdom enables…

Shine Bright

August 27, 2023
We continue our "Say What?!" sermon series on Evangelism. Today we are looking at Jesus' message to His disciples emploring them to be salt to the earth and light to…

Dealing With Hurt

July 30, 2023
We all deal with pain and hurt in different ways. Today we will look at one of Jesus' most famous parables through a modern-day twist. But pain and hurt cause…
We're all familiar with the story of Jonah. Not just because of a big whale, or fish, or whatever it was, but really because Jonah's story is OUR STORY. We…

Redeeming Love

June 25, 2023
The story of Hosea is an incredible love story. Hosea faithfully follows and obeys God's command to marry Gomer. Problem is Gomer's past. She can't escape it. Despite the love,…