Serving at Penningtonville
Our faith in Christ calls us not just to believe in Him, but to act on our faith. James wrote, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
There are many ways in which you can serve, whether here at church or in the community we are called to light Christ’s light shine in and through us.
Below are some ways in which you can serve.

Children and Youth Ministry
When we are baptized it is a significant moment in the life of the child and family, but it’s also in the life of the church. We make vows to those who are baptized to raise them in the faith.
That’s not a promise to make lightly. You can serve our children and youth in many ways:
Nursery – Every Sunday the nursery is open for parents to bring their children for an engaging Bible lesson.
Midweek Encounter – Our children and youth ministries meet every Wednesday evening.
Our children ministry program begins at 5PM
Free dinner open for everyone begins at 6PM
Youth Group meets every Sunday following worship. They also find ways to serve and give back to the community as well as special events throughout the year.
If you’re interested in serving, contact Meghan Kloss or Pastor Eric
The Point
The Point is a non-profit organization based in Parkesburg. They believe every child deserves hope. They focus on an after school program where they play sports, games, and learn about who Jesus is and what he did for all of us on the cross. Monday through Friday volunteers from churches and other organizations make dinner for every student.
The deacons of the church prepare and serve dinner every fourth Wednesday of the month. You don’t have to be a deacon to serve, but you will need to fill out clearances. For more information contact Stephanie the church office.